Meet our board of directors
Our accomplished and diverse board of directors proudly represent the best interests of our shareholders, and help steer the firm’s policies on governance and risk management.
Chairman of the Board
Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated
and Former President and CEO
Siddharth (Bobby) Mehta was named a Director of JLL in 2019 and Chairman of the Board in June 2020.
Mr. Mehta was President and CEO of TransUnion, a global provider of credit and information management services, from 2007 through 2012. Prior to that, he held various roles at multinational banking and financial services company HSBC, including CEO of HSBC North America Holdings and CEO of HSBC Finance Corporation.
He serves on the boards of The Allstate Corporation, Northern Trust, TransUnion, Entrust Datacard Corporation and Amount. He is also a member of the non-profit boards of the Field Museum and the Chicago Public Education Fund.
Mr. Mehta holds a Bachelor of Arts in economics from the London School of Economics and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago.
Chief Executive Officer and President
Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated
Yrityksen pääkonttori sijaitsee Chicagossa, Illinoisissa, se työllistää yli 100 000 ihmistä viidellä liiketoiminta-alueella ja sillä on maailmanlaajuista asiakaskuntaa yli 80 maassa.
Christianista tuli toimitusjohtaja lokakuussa 2016, ja hän on ollut yhtiön hallituksen jäsen toukokuusta 2016 lähtien, jolloin hänet valittiin pääjohtajaksi.
Christian johtaa JLL:n strategista suuntaa ja globaaleja toimintoja pyrkien varmistamaan yhtiön jatkuvan kasvun dynaamisilla ja kehittyvillä kansainvälisillä kiinteistömarkkinoilla. Christian johtaa strategiaa, jolla luodaan menestystä asiakkaille, kollegoille ja osakkeenomistajille hyödyntämällä kestäviä, markkinoiden johtavia teknologiaratkaisuja, joilla muovataan kiinteistöalan tulevaisuutta maailman parantamiseksi.
Aiemmin Christian toimi JLL:n toimitusjohtajana Euroopassa, Lähi-idässä ja Afrikassa (EMEA) tammikuusta 2009 alkaen. Huhtikuusta 2005 joulukuuhun 2008 hän oli JLL:n Saksan liiketoiminnan toimitusjohtaja ja EMEA-alueen hallituksen jäsen.
Ennen JLL:lle tuloaan Christian työskenteli seitsemän vuotta toimitusjohtajana Hampurissa sijaitsevassa HIH Groupin, Saksan johtavan kiinteistösijoitusten hallinnointipalvelujen tarjoajan, palveluksessa. Christian aloitti uransa pankkialalla, ja hän toimi aluksi kansallisissa ja kansainvälisissä pankeissa Saksassa, ennen kuin hän saavutti toimitusjohtajan aseman eräässä saksalaisessa aluepankissa.
Christian puolustaa vakaasti yritysten vastuuta johtaa ja toimia kestävän, monipuolisen ja osallistavan globaalin tulevaisuuden luomisen puolesta. Hän on maailman talousfoorumin International Business Council-, Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders- ja Vanguard Board for the Partnership Against Corruption Initiative -järjestöjen jäsen.
Christianilla on liikehallinnon korkeakoulututkinto Hampurin yliopistosta Saksasta, ja hän on suorittanut Stanfordin yliopiston GSB-ohjelman. Hän asuu lähellä Frankfurtia Saksassa.
Former Group Executive
Organisational Resources
Rio Tinto Plc
Hugo Bagué has been a Director of JLL since 2011.
Mr. Bagué was Group Executive for Rio Tinto Organisational Resources from 2007 to 2017, taking overall responsibility for everything from external affairs to information systems and technology. Rio Tinto Plc is an international mining and metals group headquartered in the U.K.
He previously worked at Hewlett Packard Corporation as global vice president of Human Resources for the Technology Solutions Group. He also worked for Compaq Computer, Nortel Networks and Abbott Laboratories.
Mr. Bagué earned a degree in linguistics and post-graduate qualifications in Human Resources and Marketing from the University of Ghent in Belgium.
Chief Executive Officer
Aryaka Networks, Inc.
Matthew Carter was named a Director in November 2018.
He is the CEO of Aryaka Networks, Inc., the leading provider of cloud and on-premises network applications. He previously served as President and CEO of Inteliquent, which provides wholesale voice services for carriers and service providers. Prior to that role, Mr. Carter held various roles at Sprint Corporation, including President of Enterprise Solutions, Sprint’s $14 billion global communications technology business unit.
He serves on the boards of NRG Energy, Inc and USG Corporation, and previously served on the boards of Inteliquent, Inc. and Apollo Education Group, Inc.
He earned a master’s degree in general management from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University.
Eläkkeelle jäänyt toimitusjohtaja ja osakas, PwC
Susan Gore nimitettiin JLL:n johtajaksi vuonna 2024.
Gore toimi erilaisissa johtotehtävissä PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP:ssä (PwC) 33-vuotisen toimensa aikana. Viimeisimpänä hän oli PwC:n globaalin teknologia- ja tietoturvaorganisaation toimitusjohtaja ja osakas. Sitä ennen hän toimi PwC:n globaalin tilintarkastuksen operatiivisena johtajana sekä Yhdysvaltain tilintarkastuksen muutosjohtajana. Gore toimi myös tilintarkastuskumppanina, joka tarjosi ammattimaisia kirjanpitopalveluita asiakkaille aina nopeasti kasvavista start-upeista suuriin monikansallisiin yrityksiin.
Vuodesta 2001 vuoteen 2006 Gore työskenteli ohjelmistoalan myöhäisen vaiheen riskipääomayhtiön talousjohtajana sekä arvopaperisijoitusneuvojana piilaaksolaisessa riskipääomayrityksessä.
Gorella on huomattava kokemus hallintoneuvostojen ja johtokunnan komiteoiden neuvonantotehtävistä, joissa hän on tarjonnut arvokkaita näkemyksiä ja ohjeita auditointien tehokkuudesta.
Gore on suorittanut liiketalouden kandidaatin tutkinnon kirjanpidossa Texasin kristillisessä yliopistossa ja on laillistettu tilintarkastaja.
Founding, Managing and General Partner
KPCB China and TDF Capital
Tina Ju was named a Director of JLL in May 2021.
Ms. Ju has more than 30 years of experience in venture capital, investment banking and operations. She co-founded VTDF China in 2000 and KPCB China in 2007. Earlier in her career, Ms. Ju spent 10 years in investment banking including at Deutsche Bank as head of TMT and Transport Asia, at Merrill Lynch as head of Asia Technology and the Corporate Finance Team, and at Goldman Sachs.
Currently, Ms. Ju serves on the boards of various private companies and the public fintech company, Yiren Digital Ltd., which provides Chinese consumers with both credit and wealth management solutions. She is also a member of the Global Leadership Council for Oxford Saïd Business School.
Ms. Ju earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering and operations research from University of California, Berkeley and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
Former Non-Executive Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer
First Eagle Holdings, Inc.
Bridget Macaskill has been a Director at JLL since 2016.
Until July 2019, Ms. Macaskill was the Non-Executive Chairman and, prior to that, the President and Chief Executive Officer of First Eagle Holdings, Inc., which she joined in 2009.
Prior to joining First Eagle, Ms. Macaskill served as Chief Operating Officer, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Oppenheimer Funds, Inc., where she is recognized for creating the Oppenheimer Funds' Women & Investing program, dedicated to educating American women about the need to take charge of their personal finances.
Ms. Macaskill has served on a number of public company and not-for-profit boards. She is currently on the boards of Jupiter Fund Management plc., merchant banking firm Close Brothers plc. and Cambridge Associates LLC.
A native of the United Kingdom, Ms. Macaskill earned a B.Sc. in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh and completed post-graduate studies at the Edinburgh College of Commerce.
Former Executive Vice President
Structured and Alternative Investments, John Hancock Financial Services, Inc.
Deborah (Debbie) McAneny was named a Director in 2019.
Ms. McAneny held various roles at John Hancock Financial Services over 20 years, including most recently as Executive Vice President for Structured and Alternative Investments. Following that, she was the Chief Operating Officer of Benchmark Assisted Living, LLC from 2006 to 2009.
Ms. McAneny served on the Board of Directors of HFF, the leading capital markets advisor recently acquired by JLL, and currently holds board seats at KKR Real Estate Finance Trust, Inc., THL Credit Advisors LLC, RREEF Property Trust, Inc., and RREEF America REIT II.
Ms. McAneny holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from the University of Vermont and a Masters Professional Director Certification from the American College of Corporate Directors.
Toimitusjohtaja, Reinsurance, Swiss Re
Moses Ojeisekhoba nimitettiin hallituksen jäseneksi joulukuussa 2022.
Ojeisekhoballa on yli 20 vuoden kokemus talouspalveluiden alan ylemmässä johdossa toimimisesta. Heinäkuusta 2016 asti hän on toiminut toimitusjohtajana Swiss Ren Reinsurance-liiketoimintayksikössä, johon kuuluvat sekä vahinkovakuutukset että henkilövakuutukset. Hän valvoo yrityksen jälleenvakuutusstrategiaa ja toimintoja yli 20 maassa ja palvelee tietämyksellään ja asiantuntijuudellaan asiakkaita ympäri maailmaa.
Tällä hetkellä Ojeisekhoba toimii Swiss Ren konsernin hallituksen jäsenenä. Hän luennoi säännöllisesti johtajuudesta, riskitietämyksestä, kyberturvallisuudesta, geopoliittisista trendeistä ja monimuotoisuudesta.
Ojeisekhoballa on luonnontieteiden kandidaatin tutkinto tilastotieteistä University of Ibadanista, Nigeriasta ja maisterintutkinto johtamista London Business Schoolista.
Senior Vice President and General Manager
Jeetu Patel was named a Director in 2019.
Mr. Patel is the Senior Vice President and General Manager of Cisco’s Security and Applications business. He leads the strategy and development of a multibillion-dollar portfolio and has P&L responsibility for the Security, AppDynamics and Collaboration divisions. Prior to joining Cisco, Mr. Patel was the Chief Product Officer and Chief Strategy Officer at Box, an enterprise cloud content management platform. He oversaw the company’s product and platform strategy, setting the company’s long-term roadmap and vision for cloud content management in the enterprise. His other past roles include General Manager and Chief Executive of the Syncplicity business unit of EMC (now part of Dell) and Founder and President of Doculabs, a research and advisory firm focused on collaboration and content management.
Mr. Patel serves on the board of directors of HackerRank, a market-leading technical assessment and remote interview solution for hiring developers.
He earned a Bachelor of Science in Information Decision Sciences from the University of Illinois, Chicago.
Former Global Chief Information Officer
Larry Quinlan was named a Director of JLL in May 2022.
As Global Chief Information Officer for Deloitte, Mr. Quinlan had responsibility for the company’s technology strategy and operations and oversaw more than 10,000 information technology professionals in 175 countries. In his more than 33 years at Deloitte, Mr. Quinlan led major client relationships and advised company boards and CEOs on a wide range of IT, cybersecurity and digital strategic priorities.
Currently, Mr. Quinlan serves on the board of ServiceNow. He also is a member of the non-profit boards of KIPP Charter Schools Miami and Easterseals South Florida and co-founded TechPACT, an organization focused on inclusion and equity in the technology industry. He is a frequent speaker on the topics of leadership, information technology transformation and diversity, equity and inclusion.
Mr. Quinlan has a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management from the University of the West Indies, a Master of Business Administration from Baruch College and received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the University of the West Indies.
Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Paychex, Inc.
Efrain Rivera was named a Director of JLL in October 2021.
Mr. Rivera has extensive global experience in finance and operations. He is the Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of Paychex, Inc., a leading provider of integrated human capital management solutions. He previously held senior management positions, including Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, at global eye health company Bausch & Lomb, and in higher education administration.
He serves on the boards of ESL Federal Credit Union and Rochester Regional Health.
Mr. Rivera holds a Doctor of Management degree from Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, an MBA from the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester and a JD degree from New York University. Rivera earned his B.S. degree from Houghton College.