JLL awarded Super Star status on the Global Outsourcing 100®
Innovation and corporate social responsibility leadership earns JLL top spot.
CHICAGO, April 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP®) recognized JLL for sustained excellence and as an All Star Company on its 2018 Global Outsourcing 100® list. Thanks to its leading innovation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, JLL upholds its Super Star status among the world's top outsourcing providers.
In addition to achieving top scores for innovation and CSR programs, JLL ranked high for size and growth, customer references, and awards and certifications.
"Innovation and corporate social responsibility are two cornerstones of our culture," said John Forrest, Global & Americas CEO, JLL Corporate Solutions. "Through this lens, we crowdsource ideas with promise to solve global and industry challenges. We are proud this new designation recognizes our drive to develop leading edge solutions and dedication to positively affect change."
From JLL's Innovation & Product Development platform and JLL's Spark division to partnerships with academic institutions and innovative client relationships, JLL's culture of continuous innovation runs deep. Each year, employees throughout the organization compete in the Da Vinci Awards, a program that sources and rewards employees' top ideas for delivering creative new solutions to JLL clients.
Similarly, JLL's CSR program, Building a Better Tomorrow, is driven by an ambition to create spaces, buildings and cities where everyone can thrive. Another key pillar of the program is JLL's commitment to diversity and inclusion and earning the firm a top spot on rankings such as the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality, National Association for Female Executives'(NAFE's) Top Companies for Executive Women, Working Mother's 100 Best Companies and BLACK ENTERPRISE's 50 Best Companies for Diversity.
"The Global Outsourcing 100 and World's Best Advisors lists showcase the best of the best in the outsourcing industry," said IAOP CEO, Debi Hamill. "We are proud to recognize JLL for being among the highest rated companies in programs for innovation and corporate social responsibility, customer references, awards and certifications, and size and growth."
JLL has earned a spot on the Global Outsourcing 100 for 10 consecutive years. The 2018 Global Outsourcing 100 recognizes the world's best outsourcing service providers and advisors. These lists are based on applications received, and judging is based on a rigorous scoring methodology that includes an independent review by an independent panel of IAOP customer members with extensive experience in selecting outsourcing service providers and advisors for their organizations.
JLL on johtava toimitilojen asiantuntija, 16,3 miljardin dollarin kokonaisliikevaihdolla ja 6,5 miljardin dollarin nettoliikevaihdolla (2018). Yritys on mukana Fortune 500-listalla. Yli 90 000 työntekijäämme 80 maassa ja lähes 300 toimistossa palvelevat asiakkaitamme laajasti toimitilojen asiantuntijapalveluiden parissa. Olemme Suomen johtava kiinteistöasiantuntija, joka palvelee noin 80 työntekijän voimin Suomen tunnetuimpia yrityksiä ja kiinteistösijoittajia sekä kansainvälisiä asiakkaita. JLL on rekisteröity tavaramerkki, jota käytetään Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. brändinä. Lisätietoja