JLL executives provide global insights from Davos
Leaders to blog from World Economic Forum Annual Meeting and release new city research
JLL (NYSE: JLL) executives will join more than 2,500 business, government and civic leaders from nearly 100 countries for the exclusive World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. This year’s conference will engage the international community to address changing technological, political, economic and societal issues with the theme “Globalization 4.0: Shaping a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
JLL delegates will share insights on behalf of the commercial real estate industry during the meeting and in perspective pieces on JLL’s “Notes from Davos” blog. JLL will issue news highlighting investment trends and city research and will host a breakfast panel discussion Tuesday titled “Reimagining Work in the Age of AI.”
You can follow the conversation through the “Notes from Davos” blog, JLL’s Davos website, and on JLL’s Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.
- Global: Sheila Penrose – Chairman of the Board; Christian Ulbrich – CEO; Richard Bloxam – Head of Capital Markets; John Forrest – CEO, Corporate Solutions; Vinay Goel – Chief Digital Product Officer
- Americas: Greg O’Brien – CEO
- Asia Pacific: Anthony Couse – CEO; Susheel Koul – Director, Integrated Facilities Management
- EMEA: Guy Grainger – CEO; Neil Murray – CEO, Corporate Solutions
Tuesday, January 22 through Friday, January 25
Davos, Switzerland
JLL Global PR Contacts:
- Global: Gayle Kantro + 1 312 450 5948/;
James Hardy + 44 7870 956992/ - Americas: Brandon Levesque + 1 646 630 5198/
- Asia Pacific: Vernia Lim + 65 9691 3912 /
- EMEA: Lorena Sanchez + 44 7850 533080/
JLL on johtava toimitilojen asiantuntija, 16,3 miljardin dollarin kokonaisliikevaihdolla ja 6,5 miljardin dollarin nettoliikevaihdolla (2018). Yritys on mukana Fortune 500-listalla. Yli 90 000 työntekijäämme 80 maassa ja lähes 300 toimistossa palvelevat asiakkaitamme laajasti toimitilojen asiantuntijapalveluiden parissa. Olemme Suomen johtava kiinteistöasiantuntija, joka palvelee noin 80 työntekijän voimin Suomen tunnetuimpia yrityksiä ja kiinteistösijoittajia sekä kansainvälisiä asiakkaita. JLL on rekisteröity tavaramerkki, jota käytetään Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. brändinä. Lisätietoja