JLL's CEO comments on LaSalle's double acquisition from Aviva Investors

LaSalle in top five global non-listed indirect real estate investment managers

toukokuu 30, 2018

JLL's CEO comments on LaSalle's double acquisition from Aviva Investors

Adding Aviva's Real Estate Multi-Manager business and Encore+ fund will position LaSalle in top five global non-listed indirect real estate investment managers

LONDON and CHICAGO, May 30, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- LaSalle Investment Management, the global real estate investment manager, today announced it has entered into agreements to acquire the Real Estate Multi-Manager business of Aviva Investors, and full ownership of the management of the Encore+ fund.  LaSalle's press release is linked here.

Following LaSalle's announcement, JLL CEO Christian Ulbrich commented: "These are exciting and significant additions to the breadth and strength of LaSalle's global investment management platform, which is an important part of the broader JLL group.  The Aviva Real Estate Multi-Manager business provides an ideal fit with LaSalle existing capabilities and the Encore+ fund also has an outstanding track record.  These acquisitions mark the latest step in JLL's broader Beyond strategic vision for strong and sustained growth into the next decade."

Mr. Ulbrich continued: "My congratulations to Jeff Jacobson and the whole team at LaSalle.  We look forward to welcoming Ed Casal and his colleagues into the wider JLL family when these deals close later in the year."

LaSalle, which is a wholly-owned and operationally independent subsidiary of Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated (NYSE: JLL), is one of the world's leading real estate investment managers with $60 billionof assets under management prior to today's announcement.   

Note for editors: For further information, please refer to today's full press release from LaSalle linked here


JLL on johtava toimitilojen asiantuntija, 16,3 miljardin dollarin kokonaisliikevaihdolla ja 6,5 miljardin dollarin nettoliikevaihdolla (2018). Yritys on mukana Fortune 500-listalla. Yli 90 000 työntekijäämme 80 maassa ja lähes 300 toimistossa palvelevat asiakkaitamme laajasti toimitilojen asiantuntijapalveluiden parissa. Olemme Suomen johtava kiinteistöasiantuntija, joka palvelee noin 80 työntekijän voimin Suomen tunnetuimpia yrityksiä ja kiinteistösijoittajia sekä kansainvälisiä asiakkaita. JLL on rekisteröity tavaramerkki, jota käytetään Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. brändinä. Lisätietoja